Mail Users’ Association
Mail Users’ Association was formed in the 1970's when a number of major business mailers joined together to fight for the improvement in the effectiveness of the postal service at a time of escalating prices and deteriorating quality of service.
Our members generate more than 13% of annual postal traffic
As the UK postal market continues to develop and competition establishes itself, new operational challenges present themselves to the industry, and MUA’s overall raison d’etre is to identify these challenges, establish how operational problems can be overcome, and lobby Government and other key stakeholders to ensure appropriate solutions acceptable to the needs and wants of business customers, are found and implemented.
MUA is Britain's only independent association of business users wholly concerned with commercially related postal matters. Its members are drawn from a wide range of business interests including direct mail, banking and finance, communications and utilities, publishing and postal related industries.
Collectively, it is estimated MUA members generate more than 13% of annual postal traffic in the UK.
Mail Users’ Association Limited is a company limited by guarantee and owned by the members.